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Epicor Prophet 21 ERP Credit Card Process Fees

Epicor Prophet 21® Wholesale Distribution Software - Custom Credit Card Processing Fees for P21 System Users


Custom Credit Card Processing Fee Business Rule
Our custom P21 business rule for credit card processing fees activates when a credit card payment type is selected on the Remit Tab in Order Entry.


Key Features:

  • Dynamic Fee Calculation: The charge is calculated as a percentage set in a User Defined Field (UDF). Each credit card type can have a different multiplier.

  • Total Cost Basis: The fee is based on the total extended cost of the order, excluding freight.

  • Exclusion Option: A checkbox in order entry allows users to exclude an order from being charged the credit card fee.



  • Automated Fee Management: Automatically calculates and applies credit card processing fees, reducing manual effort.

  • Customizable: Different multipliers for various credit card types allow for flexible fee management.

  • User Control: The exclusion option provides flexibility for handling exceptions.


This is an EXAMPLE custom solution intended to be used to help spark ideas, suggestions for gathering project requirements for your specific business needs.  If you have challenges in your Credit Card Processing or other P21 business processes, please contact us to discuss a solution.  


Please note: doing credit card surcharges in a fully compliant manner is a very heavy requirement.

We've partnered with the Unified A/R Team as they provide a powerful path for Compliant Credit Card Surcharge and advanced A/R solutions to transform your business. (we highly recommend reviewing their information - click here).


We appreciate the opportunity to be your Partner-in-P21!   
Please let us know if we can help with this type of solution and/or any other customer needs or challenges.

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