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Heraflux Technologies for Epicor Prophet 21 ERP 

Prophet 21® Wholesale Distribution Software: Prophet 21 SQL Server and Platform Performance Solutions



Heraflux Technologies offers trusted performance tuning and triage consulting services for Microsoft SQL Server underneath mission-critical systems like P21.  Poor performance can result in significant impacts to the users, hurting the business in the process.  Heraflux can analyze the database layer, from data handling all the way back to how it is stored and retrieved, to assess what’s potentially holding back the performance of your data. We work with you to develop and implement a plan to significantly improve the performance and availability of your business. 

Service Highlights

  • Platform diagnostics at and underneath the SQL Server database for holistic discovery

  • Performance tuning, platform stabilization, and business continuity

  • Database workload resource consumption mapping and classification

  • Virtualization and cloud SQL Server migrations and upgrades

Performance Results

  • Proven and accurate evidence-based performance analysis through system stack data acquisition and interpretation

  • Identify and fix platform performance bottlenecks

  • Work with P21 Administrators and other IT contacts for improved platform availability

  • Review and identify any available platform license reduction and cost savings opportunities

  • Mentoring and training for ongoing performance monitoring and optimization techniques for SQL Server and its infrastructure


Additional information on Heraflux’s Professional Services

Please subscribe to Heraflux Technologies YouTube Channel

Learn more about how our Prophet 21 SQL Server and Platform Performance Services can help you
maximize your P21 environment by contacting us at Heraflux Technologies





Please contact us if we can help -or- be a resource in your P21 Adventures!


We appreciate the opportunity to be (or to become) your Partner-in-P21.


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